KOPI: Consistency Checking of Product Line Models

The goal of KOPI is to investigate principles and techniques for consistency checking of domain artefacts during software product line development under consideration of product line variability.

Early consistency checks of domain artefacts in software product line development plays a major role in quality assurance, since defects in reusable artefacts may be uncovered comparatively late during application development. Uncovering and fixing defects late may hence lead to additional costs. The goal of this research project is therefore to investigate principles and techniques for consistency checking of domain artefacts during software product line development under consideration of product line variability. The developed techniques will be used in a prototypical realisation and evaluated throughout the project by means of industry-relevant case examples.

The KOPI project focuses on scenario models, behaviour models, and structural models, since these model types are frequently used during development projects. For the considered development artefacts, the following activities are conducted:

  • Definition of syntax and semantics for variability extension
  • Development of methods to check the consistency of the extended artefacts in order to identify intra-model inconsistencies
  • Development of methods to check the consistency between different artefacts in order to identify inter-model inconsistencies
  • Prototypical implementation and evaluation by means of realistic examples
  • CoFFeMap


Funded by: German Research Foundation (DFG)

Program: Computer Science (Software Technology)

Type: Individually Funded

Funding:  280.000,- Euro

Duration: 06/2011 - 12/2014