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Best Theoretical Paper Award at EMCIS

Tsunghao Huang, Andreas Metzger, and Klaus Pohl have developed an Explainable AI technique to generate counterfactual explanations for proactive business process adaption.

Tsunghao Huang presented the paper „Counterfactual Explanations for Predictive Business Process Monitoring” at the “European, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS)” on 9 December, 2021. The program committee selected it as Best Theoretical Paper.

EMCIS is an annual research event addressing the information systems discipline with regional as well as global perspective. EMCIS 2021 was organized by the British University in Dubai (UAE) and the University of Nicosia (Cyprus). Conference website: https://emcis.eu/

The proceedings will be available soon at: https://www.springer.com/series/7911