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Schutz sensibler Daten im Cloud-Edge-Continuum

Vom 16.-22. Mai fand auf Sizilien das 22. CCGrid Symposium statt. Paul-Andrei Dragan präsentierte dort Erkenntnisse aus dem EU-Projekt FogProtect, an dem zahlreiche Partner aus Industrie und Wissenschaft beteiligt sind.

Das CCGrid-Symposium ist ein internationales Forum und dient dem Austausch über aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse und technologische Entwicklungen auf den Gebieten des Cluster-, Cloud- und Internet-Computings.

Paul-Andrei Dragan gab in seinem Vortrag einen Überblick über das FogProtect-Konzept, dessen Ziel es ist, einen durchgängigen Datenschutz von Cloud-Rechenzentren über Fog-Knoten bis hin zu Endgeräten zu gewährleisten. Er erörterte die verschiedenen Ansätze zum Schutz sensibler Daten im Cloug-to-Edge-Continuum und veranschaulichte die Lösungen anhand realer Anwendungsfälle.

Protecting sensitive data in the cloud-to-edge continuum: The FogProtect approach


Dhouha Ayed (Thales) , Paul-Andrei Dragan (University of Duisburg-Essen), Edith Felix (Thales), Zoltan Adam Mann (University of Amsterdam), Eliot Salant (IBM Research), Robert Seidl (Nokia Bell Labs), Anestis Sidiropoulos (Athens Technology Center), Steve Taylor (University of Southampton) and Ricardo Vitorino (Ubiwhere)


Data produced by end devices like smartphones, sensors or IoT devices can be stored and processed across a continuum of compute resources, from end devices via fog nodes to the cloud, enabling reduced latency, increased processing speed and energy savings. However, the data may be sensitive (e.g., personal data or confidential commercially sensitive information), with regulatory or other requirements for its protection.
Protecting sensitive data in the dynamic, heterogeneous, and decentralized cloud-to-edge continuum is very challenging. This paper describes a solution: FogProtect, an integrated set of four technologies to protect data in the cloud-to-edge continuum. Fog-Protect addresses four concerns: (i) control and enforcement of distributed data access and usage; (ii) management of distributed data protection policies; (iii) risk assessment for data assets in the cloud-to-edge continuum; (iv) automated optimisation and adaptation to address identified risks. FogProtect operates dynamically, reacting to system changes or detected vulnerabilities to keep the data secure across the cloud-to-edge continuum.

This paper describes an overview of the FogProtect concept, discusses each of the four approaches, and illustrates their usage for the protection of data in three real-world use cases.

Weitere Informationen

Projekt Fog Protect: Protecting Sensitive Data in the Computing Continuum



Software Systems Engineering (SSE)

Paul-Andrei Dragan
+49 201 18-37330